Software release version 2.4.1

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Version 2.4.1

  • Background save mode
  • Color hints on web user interface
  • Save view control (improves performance and reliability)
  • User selectable playback frame rate
  • Enhanced documentation updated to be easier to find what you are searching for

Update file

Copy the update tarball file to the big SD card, power on the camera, and wait around 7 minutes for the camera to finish updating.

Version details

Build host: edgertronic-virtual-machine
Built by: edgertronic
Build date: 20200324124622
Build tag: ssc1
Build hash: 5c970da4
Build version: v2.4.1g6

Release Notes

Improvements since software release version 2.3.1:

  • Added background save mode so you can continue to capture new videos, while captured videos are being saved, as long as you have room in the DDR3 memory.
  • Baseball features - You can erase video and metadata files after downloading them.
  • Professional videography features - added ability to set the playback frame rate to match your work flow requirements.
  • Updated web user interface so you can track the foreground capture and background save activity.
  • Better network support for fixed IP addresses other than

Resolved defects

  • Fixed a problem with corrupted videos on SC2, SC2+ and SC2X cameras
  • Fixed a problem where Genlock errors weren't always reported.
  • Fixed trigger debounce time on SC1.

SDK API changes

  • The CAMAPI configure_camera() and run() dictionary parameter now takes requested_save_mode instead of requested_review.
  • Switched from buffer index (starting at zero) to buffer number (starting at one) for CAMAPI selective_save(), get_captured_video_info() and review_frame()
  • Depreciated CAMAPI get_pretrigger_fill_level(). Use get_captured_video_info() instead.
  • In CAMAPI get_captured_video_info(), deleted captured_buffers dictionary key and replaced with unsaved_count.
  • CAMAPI get_camstatus() split apart capture information and save_information.
    • Capture information is returned in dictionary keys state, level, and active_buffer. These key names were not changed to specify they are specific to only the capture side.
    • Capture state has two new states to handle the cases where capture is not possible, but save is possible: CAMAPI_STATE_BUFFERS_FULL_TRIGGER_DISABLED, and CAMAPI_STATE_WAITING_FOR_SAVE_TO_COMPLETE_TRIGGER_DISABLED.
    • New dictionary keys were added to return save information, including save_state, save_level, save_buffer, save_pretrigger_fill_level, and save_time.
    • The time until the current capture completes is returned in capture_time and the time until all the currently scheduled saves complete is returned in save_time. Times are in seconds.
    • To allow you to detect when a background save completes, the video_save_count is not included in the get_camstatus() returned dictionary. The video_save_count is the total number of videos saved since the camera was new (or a really hard factory reset occurred).
  • Added parameter to CAMAPI cancel() to allow previously captured, but unsaved videos to be discarded.
  • Added new CAMAPI method erase_file(wildcard_filename) to allow you to erase the video and metadata files after they have been downloaded.

Developer changes

  • Updated to support save_mode and separate save state status reporting. save_mode default set to auto.
  • Added support for reporting FPGA bits build data and CRC. This is helpful is you are testing a beta code release for us.

Known defects

The following is the list of known defect in the version 2.4.x releases. [1]

20190302135422 SC2 SC2+ SC2X pretrigger frame count inaccurate on when the pretrigger buffer is not full and a trigger occurs

If you trigger a SC2, SC2+, or SC2X camera before the pretrigger buffer fills, the metadata file will have an inaccurate number for the frames captured before the trigger event. This also effects review mode.

201607011045 Power on camera with USB storage may cause camera to not properly detect available storage

If you have a USB flash thumb drive or USB hard disk connected directly to the camera and turn the camera on, depending on the USB device, the available storage will not be detected.

Work around: There are several work arounds -

  • Use a powered USB hub between the storage device and the camera
  • Remove the USB storage device before powering on the camera
  • Remove and reinsert the USB storage device after the camera has powered on

201412161349 Multishot Genlock buffering can get out of sync due to power cycle or selective save

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

If you are in the middle of a Genlocked Multishot sequence and power cycle one of the cameras, the buffering will be out of sync once the camera is powered back on. Until the cameras configured for genlock talk to each other over the network cable, there is no way to resynchronize which multishot buffer is being used.

Work around: Power cycle all cameras that are configured and cabled for multishot and genlock.

Similarly, if you are in the middle of a Genlocked Multishot sequence and decide to save your video set, you cannot just press the save button on the Master camera's GUI since only the videos on the master will be saved.

Work around: you must press the save button on the master and all the slave camera GUIs.

201409120935 Updating camera fails if there is a space in the update tarball filename

If you download the update tarball more than once, some operating systems put a space in the file name (e.g. " (1)" so the file being downloaded will have a unique filename. If you use the file with the space in the filename, the update will fail. To work around the defect, remove the big SD card, delete the file with a space in the filename and store the original file on the big SD card. The camera will then update correctly.

201409091802 Cancel trigger at the end of capture misbehaves

No fix defect -- This is really not a defect.

On occasion, if you cancel the trigger just as the post trigger capture buffer is being filled, the camera will calibrate then save the video data instead of properly handling the cancel.

Work around: This is a race condition. The user thinks the camera is still capturing data when they press cancel, but in fact the camera has already switched to saving the captured video. Simply trim the video to get back to filling the pre-trigger buffer.

201408271324 Genlock false triggers

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect; the hardware design doesn't support any means to fix the issue.

This defect only occurs when using the Genlock feature with multiple cameras and a genlock cable.

Plugging in genlock cable may trigger both master and slave cameras. Unplugging genlock cable may trigger both master and slave cameras. Powering off a genlocked camera may trigger any other connected cameras.

Work around: connect all genlock cables before powering on the cameras.

201312111624 File timestamp is in GMT

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

The camera was intentionally designed to use GMT for the timezone when saving video files. Some might consider this a defect (issue #182).

As of 2.4.1 you can create your own filename pattern and not use seconds since 1970 in GMT timezone.

201312021613 Browser forward and back buttons may change camera settings

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

If you browse to another site and then use the browser back button to return to viewing the camera, your camera settings may have changed.

Work around: either don't browse to another web site or don't use the back button when you do; simply browse to the IP address of the camera.

201311041114 Playing last recorded video can fail in rare cases

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

The camera will automatically switch which storage device is used when the current storage device fills up and another, non-full, storage device is available. You can not play the video recorded right before the switch occurs since the active storage device has changed.

Work around: You can remove the storage device and properly play the video by retrieving the video file from the non-active storage device.

201311101454 CAMAPI does not detect new space on mounted storage device

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

CAMPI handles changes in storage status using an interrupt scheme (mdev). If your SD card is full and you telnet into the camera and delete some files, no event occurs, so CAMAPI doesn't detect there is now room and the memory full message is displayed.

Workaround: after deleting the files, remove and reinsert the storage device to create a change in storage status event.

[1] Naming convention for the 'Defect numbers' are in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS