Multicolored camera LEDs

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There are four LEDs on the edgertronic high speed camera.

Location LED Meaning
Top LED on Ethernet connector near USB connector
Green LED
Cable speed Off - 10 Mbps
On - 100 Mbps
Bottom LED on Ethernet connector near power connector
Green or Orange LED, depending camera serial number

Link Beat and network activity
Off - No network connection
On - Link beat detected, network ready
Blinking - network activity, packets being sent or received
Next to System status LED System status See table below.
Close to Multi-function button Camera status See table below.

Global device status indications

  • All LEDs off and fan off means no power.
  • Red indicates error.
  • If fan is on and system status LED is off then the device firmware needs to be updated (FPGA EEPROM contents are invalid). One customer used the wrong power supply and had these same symptoms, so first check you are using the power supply that came with the camera.
  • Blinking LED indicates activity.

System LED

The System LED indicates the current camera status condition.

Multiple status conditions may occur simultaneously, but the LED can only show one status condition at a time. The following table lists the status indications in priority order.

Color status Meaning
Off Error No power. If your fan is not spinning and no LEDs are illuminated, then you need to check your power source and cabling.
Red Error System processor not booting. Micro SD card needs to be re-imaged. We refer to re-imaging the micro SD card as unbricking the camera.
Red blinking Error If camera LED is also blinking red, then the camera update file loaded on the big SD card is corrupt. You can redo the software update.
Red / Green Error Test mode - you will not see this in normal operation.
Red / Yellow Error Configured for DHCP-only but no DHCP server has provided an IP address. Camera cannot communicate over Ethernet. DHCP-only is not supported yet, so you will not see this in normal operation.
Red / Magenta Unused.
Yellow blinking System boot in progress. Blinks for 26 seconds then turns solid yellow. May take up to 146 seconds the first time a recovery image micro SD Card is used.
Yellow / Blue Warning System ready, Ethernet not connected.
Yellow System ready, Ethernet connected, using fixed IP address
Magenta System ready, Ethernet connected, using fixed IP address other than default ( IP address.
Blue blinking System boot in progress. Ethernet connected, camera using DHCP assigned IP address.
Blue System ready, Ethernet connected, using DHCP assigned IP address.
White pattern System firmware update in progress. Do not power cycle. See table below.

Troubleshooting hint: If, after power on, your system LED blinks yellow or blinks blue, and never stops blinking, you need to do a factory reset.

Software update status

An update can take around 8 minutes depending on the camera mode - be patient!. You can monitor the update progress by noting the the system LED pattern and using the following table.

Pattern Action Duration
Yellow blinking booting 15 sec
White / Yellow verifying update tarball 38 sec
White blinking
with camera LED
White blinking
Run update script optionally included in the update tarball 0 sec
White verifying update image 38 sec
White / Cyan build new root fs 4 sec
White / Magenta switch to new root fs 3 sec
White / Green saving to micro SD 4:55 min
Yellow blinking rebooting 15 sec
White blinking saving to SPI EEPROM 47 sec (SC1)
1:20 sec (SC2/SC2+/SC2X)
Yellow blinking rebooting 15 sec
White / Blue system performing factory reset or restoring user settings after firmware upgrade 7 sec

Camera LED

The Camera LED indicates the current camera status condition.
Multiple status conditions may occur simultaneously, but the LED can only show one status condition at a time. The following table lists the status indications in priority order.

Color Matching web message Meaning
Off *no message* Waiting for system to become ready.
Red / Blue Storage Unusable, Trying to Save No usable storage device, usually due to the storage device being full and camera is ready to save video(s). Try a different storage device, such as a different SD card.
Red / White Storage Unusable, No Genlock No usable storage device, usually due to the storage device being full and receiver camera unable to detect genlock signal from source camera. Try a different storage device.
Red / Green Storage Unusable No usable storage device, usually due to the storage device being full and camera is ready to be triggered. Try a different storage device.
Red / Magenta Storage Unusable, Triggered No usable storage device, usually due to the storage device being full and camera has been triggered and is filling post-trigger buffer. Try a different storage device.
Blue / White Saving No Genlock Signal Saving captured video to storage device and receiver camera unable to detect genlock signal from source camera.
Blue / Green Saving, Ready Saving captured video to storage device and camera is ready to be triggered. (Background Save Mode)
Blue / Magenta Saving, Triggered Saving captured video to storage device and camera has been triggered and is filling post-trigger buffer. (Background Save Mode)
Blue blinking Saving Saving captured video to storage device.
White blinking No Genlock Signal Genlock receiver camera unable to detect genlock signal from source camera.
White / Green Genlock Configuration Warning Incompatible Genlock source and receiver settings and camera is ready to be triggered.
White / Magenta Genlock Configuration Warning Incompatible Genlock source and receiver settings and camera has been triggered and is filling post-trigger buffer.
Green blinking Pre-trigger Fill, Ready Filling pre-trigger buffer and camera is ready to be triggered.
Green / Magenta Camera Shutter Warning Shutter failure. You can still capture videos, but the image quality will be degraded.
Green / Yellow Camera Memory Warning DDR3 memory initialization failed. You can still capture videos, but the image quality will be degraded.
Green / Cyan All Capture Buffers Full Trigger is disabled due to all DDR3 capture buffers being full. Occurs in manual save mode.
Green Ready Pre-trigger buffer filled (new capture video frames overwriting oldest data) and camera is ready to be triggered.
Magenta blinking Triggered Camera has been triggered and is filling post-trigger buffer.
Cyan Reviewing Reviewing previously captured, but unsaved videos. Individual frames that have been captured can be review and regions captured videos can be selectively saved.
Yellow blinking Calibrating Camera Calibrating.
White Attached Accessories Overrides the current camera LED pattern for 3 seconds to indicate an accessory, such as a radar device, has been attached.