SDK - Web UI Camera States
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The camera can capture videos and save videos, plus calibrate and allow reviewing a reviewing a video before saving. The web user interface indicates what the camera is doing at any giving moment. When using background save, the camera can capture and save videos at the same time.
The camera is quite sophisticated. To keep the documentation simple, this section describes what the user will see if save mode is configured for auto and the multi-shot count is set to 1, meaning the camera will automatically transition from calibrating, filling the pre-trigger buffer, waiting for trigger, filling the post-trigger buffer, then saving the video. Once save is complete, the camera goes back to filling the pre-trigger buffer. This is the factory default configuration and the easily for a new user to become acquainted with the camera's capabilities.
Calibrating Camera State
Figure 1. To optimize image quality, the edgertronic camera will perform an automatic calibration, when settings and/or temperature changes warrant. If a full calibration is required, a shutter will cover the sensor, take calibration frames, and the camera will adjust its internal settings. Once complete, the camera is again ready to capture optimal video.
In the Calibrating Camera State, the Camera Control Buttons are hidden since their actions are not allowed until the calibration completes. Calibration takes less than 5 seconds.
Pre-trigger State
Pre-trigger is a powerful feature that lets the user capture and save video prior to triggering the camera.With Pre-trigger, random and unpredictable events, like lightning strikes, can be easily captured.
Figure 2: After Calibration, and if the camera is configured for Pre-trigger, you will see a 'Pre-trigger fill' message and the green progress bar will grow, right to left, from the trigger point. The camera can be triggered before the Pre-trigger buffer is completely full, but the Pre-trigger buffer may not contain enough frames to capture the entire event of interest.
Figure 3: Once the Pre-trigger buffer is filled, the camera will discard the oldest frames as new frames come into the Pre-trigger buffer.
When the camera is triggered, all the frames in the Pre-trigger buffer, plus the Post-trigger frames will be processed, compressed and saved to the storage device. Pre-trigger allows events prior to the trigger to easily be captured.
Post-trigger State
Figure 4. When the trigger occurs, the camera will stop saving to the Pre-trigger buffer and begin filling the Post-trigger buffer. During this time, a magenta progress bar will grow, left to right, from the trigger point. When the magenta post-trigger buffer fill progress bar gets to 100%, the camera will stop capturing video frames and start saving the Pre-trigger and Post-trigger frames to a video file.
Saving State
Figure 5. When the post-trigger buffer has filled, the camera stops storing new video frames and begins saving the captured video frames to a file. Saving the file can take a while as the H.264 encoder runs at about 30 frames/second for larger frame sizes. The save progress bar is displayed in blue below the capture progress bar.
While a save is in progress the display is occasionally updated to give you a visual clue as to how much of the captured video has been saved.
Figure 6. As video saving is progressing the display is updated to show which captured frames have been saved. If you captured extra video past the action of interest, you can press the orange Finish button box in the web user interface to discard all unsaved frames and truncate the video. The video saved up to that point will be saved in the file. The camera will do a calibration if needed and then the camera is ready to capture another video.
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