WiFi Driveline Baseball support
Driveline Baseball pre-configures the WiFi nano router to simplify system setup. The WiFi nano router SSID and password can be found on a sticker affixed to the edgertronic camera that came with your Driveline Baseball Development Camera Kit.
Normal operation
- Plug the USB cable between the nano router and the edgertronic camera. This cable powers the nano router.
- Plug the Ethernet cable between the nano router and the edgertronic camera.
- Plug in the camera power adapter (SL Power ME30A1203F01) or RavPower battery pack to power on the camera.
System access
Once the camera's system LED is solid blue, Use the Google Chrome web browser to browse to . You should see the EULA or live video in about 10 seconds.
Power off the camera by unplugging the power cord from the back of the camera.
Step 1 Check power
- If you are using the RavPower battery pack, check its charge level. The camera will reset when live video starts if the power supply charge level is low.
- If you are using a power adapter, verify that it's the correct one (SL Power ME30A1203F01).
- If you are using a different power source, make sure it complies with the power supply compatibility requirements.
Step 2 Check cabling
- Verify there is a USB cable between the nano router and the edgertronic camera. This cable powers the nano router.
- Verify there is an Ethernet cable between the the nano router and the edgertronic camera.
- Verify that the camera is connected to power. You should hear the fan and see the LEDs on the back light up.
- Disconnect all other cables except for the power, USB and ethernet cables described in this section.
Step 3 Check power up state
Always power on the camera after the USB and Ethernet cables have been connected. Once you apply power to the camera, wait around 60 seconds for both the camera and the nano router to fully boot up.
- Verify the camera's system LED is blue and the camera LED is solid green. If the system LED is yellow, then the nano router needs to be re-configured (see below). If the camera's LEDs are displaying a different color pattern, please see Camera LED for further information.
- Verify the nano router green LED is illuminated. If the nano router LED is off, the nano router is not getting power. Check the USB cable between the camera and the nano router.
- There are also two LEDs in the camera's Ethernet connector. Verify the Ethernet LED near the USB connectors is on and not blinking. Verify the Ethernet LED near the camera's power connector is either on or blinking. If the Ethernet LEDs are off, then there is a network cabling problem. Verify the Ethernet cable between the nano router and the camera is properly connected and the cable has not been damaged or crimped.
Reconfiguring the WiFi nano router
If the camera's system LED is solid yellow, then you need to reconfigure your WiFi nano router. These instructions are for the TP-Link TL-WR802N V4 nano router. Please note that the steps to reconfiguring the router are not the same as the factory reset of the router.
Step 1 Factory reset nano router
- Verify you have properly connected the nano router (step 1 above).
- Verify the camera system LED is stable blue.
- Perform a factory reset on the nano router to get the router into a known state.
- With the router powered on, use a pin to press and hold the RESET button for about 8 seconds until the LED blinks. Release the RESET button and wait for the travel router LED to again go solid green.
- Power off the camera and power the camera back on again to make sure the camera networking is also reset. Since the camera is powering the travel router, the travel router will also go through a power on reset. After 60 seconds or so, the camera's system LED will be solid yellow and the nano router LED will be solid green.
Step 2 Configure nano router SSID name and password
- Configure your laptop or tablet wifi to connect to the nano router by selecting the nano router's default Wi-Fi name (SSID), which can be found on a label on the nano router. The WiFi password can also be found on that label. For example, my TL-WR802N router's Wi-Fi name is TP-Link_266A and the password is 37123352. This can be done by clicking the wireless icon at the top right extreme corner of the laptop monitor or on the tablet display screen and under 'Select Network', click your nano wifi router name (In my case, it is TP-Link_266A). It will ask for the password. (In my case, it is 37123352). Now your laptop or tablet is connected to the nano router over Wifi.
- Browse to the administration page for the nano router by typing http://tplinkwifi.net in the browser's address bar. After a factory reset, the nano router default username is admin and default password is admin.
- Reference: web screen 1: Create a password.
For older versions, you enter the username and password found on the label on the nano router to log into nano router's built in web server.
The Quick Start page will be displayed.
Click Next button. - Reference: web screen 2: Set Operation mode to Access Point.
Click Next button. - Reference: web screen 3: Configure the nano router's SSID and password to match the label found on the edgertronic camera,
for example,
Wireless Network Name: BoiseEdgertronic
Wireless Password: Hawks111
Click Next button. - Reference: web screen 4: The default LAN type of SmartIP (DHCP) is correct.
Click Next button. - Reference: web screen 5: Review your settings,
Click Finish.
The system will reboot, waiting until the nano router green LED stops blinking. - If everything is correct to this point, the edgertronic camera system LED will be solid blue, meaning the camera is using a DHCP address assigned by the nano router.
You can click on any image to see a larger version.
Step 3 Configure camera IP address
To make the system easy to use, you want to configure the nano router to always give your edgertronic camera the IP address The following instructions show you how to add an IP address reservation, which is router-speak for always assigning the same IP address to the camera.
- Using the newly assigned SSID and password, from the sticker on the edgertronic camera, connect your laptop / tablet WiFi to the nano router.
- Browse to and log into the nano router using the password you assigned above. You will see the router status.
Reference: web screen 6. - From the left pane, click on DHCP and then click on DHCP Clients List.
Reference: web screen 7.- There should be 2 IDs. These belong to your computer and the edgertronic camera. The camera should be assigned to the IP address of The camera's MAC address, which is also printed on the back of the camera, always starts with 00:1B:C5:09.
- Copy the MAC Address of edgertronic camera.
- From the left pane, click Address Reservation.
Reference: web screen 8.- Paste the camera's MAC address.
- Type in the IP address
- Toggle the status from disable to enable, and save the settings.
- Verify the address reservation is correct.
Reference: web screen 9.
- Power cycle the camera, wait 60 seconds until the camera's system LED is blue, then browse to to ensure the system is properly configured.